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Therapist, Life Coach and Relationship Counselling in the UK and France


Coaching And Support For Addiction Recovery

Coaching And Support For Addiction Recovery.

Drugs, alcohol, sex and romance addiction, food, online gaming or shopping. Addiction means a lack of choice and unpleasant consequences. Freedom from addiction is possible if person is willing to be responsible and honest with themselves. Talk to me and start trading misery for freedom.

How Can Coaching Help With Addiction Recovery?

Connection as a solution.

Fighting addiction alone is hard, the mind can come up with so many justifications and loopholes for relapse in spite of the best intentions. Rigorous honesty is needed, a tough proposition for those suffering from genuine addiction. Admitting to being an addict is not a fashion statement.  Asking for help can provide connection beyond the addiction itself. 

Relapse and Self Sabotage.

Get to grips with the beliefs and inner dialogue that foster relapse.  Why is self-managed failure more comfortable than the risk of success? 

Trauma, shame and self-care.

Poor self-esteem, co-dependency, compulsive behaviour, feelings of isolation and toxic shame become reflexive ways that many of us have learned to cope with trauma, abuse and a lack of connection. We can’t rewrite history, however it is possible to develop self-respect and do things differently.  We may not be responsible for what shaped us but we are responsible for our own healing and care. 

Coaching and remapping the inner family.

Family systems therapy looks at the attribution of roles within the family and how loyalty to those roles can get in the way of being our authentic selves.  My coaching will help you see that you have adapted in certain ways to get what you need, what this has cost you and that you do indeed have choices.

Coaching to support the Inner Adult.

Let’s take a look at how you talk to yourself.  Learn to be the adult that may heve been under-represented.  Dialogue brings healing and transformation.  By identifying and supporting the qualities of a caring adult within yourself, you will get better at meeting your legitimate needs.


Break the cycle of Codependency.

You may have found ways to distract yourself, giving your power away to people, institutions, places and things that no longer serve you.  If you are trying to meet your needs in ways that don’t do that, you may have developed some co-dependent behaviour.  Call me if this makes sense and you’d like to talk it over.

What Now?

If you book a sample session you will be able to decide if my coaching is a good match for you.  We can come to an agreement over what you want to achieve and get started.  I commit to using my skills, to help you become more aware of yourself in a new and different way.  Your gifts, qualities, values and abilities and strengths are your levers for progressive and durable change in your attitude towards yourself.  You decide the areas of your life that you would like to enhance and improve.

It is not my job to tell you what to think, believe or do.  It will be my responsibility to point out the inconsistencies that might be getting in the way and determine where you are sabotaging yourself or in a rut. Sometimes this is not comfortable.  I am not there to provide quick fixes, nor do I believe in the tyranny of positivity or spiritual bypassing. My role is to get you fully on board with yourself so that you can make the best of what your life is offering.

Generally speaking, the frequency of our sessions can be as much as once a week to start with, most clients find significant relief within a six to ten week period and then may choose to reduce the frequency of our sessions or terminate them, coming back for further sessions as wanted.

Fees by arrangement.  I would not expect a young adult on minimum wage to pay the same as the VP of a Fortune 500 company.

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Therapist, Life Coach and Relationship Counselling in the UK and France

James Simson

Helping clients achieve greater understanding of themselves and their true value in order to build purposeful connected lives in times of profound change.

©2022 James Simson



+33 (0) 6 22 84 27 65

Bayonne | Lourdes

Online Meetings Available

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